纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

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纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载


在战前,当客户只是关心子弹而不是炸弹时,我所谓的销售口号是“我卖的是一种良好的感觉”:是对德国卓越工程的安全感和信心,就装甲车威胁击败了简易爆炸装置,生存能力成了我的卖点,我很快地发觉自己陷在了和叛乱分子的病态军备竞赛之中,叛乱分子不间断提升着爆炸的赌注,意欲击败我一天比一天更加高级的武器和装甲等级。战争中的好事就有着好似电影《胡椒和骨头》一样的灵动和紧张。ViewSettled in an extraordinary place, elevated and deep, cosmos magnifier. Your cosmic exploration began after that, finding the right healing jargon, not that it made any sense, but it was so good that it had to be true. Finest elixir for coquettish maladies, caressing the cerebral phantasms so tenderly. Flowing through gaps in the air, compelling and distinct seemed the vigorous notion of tenacious sugars, bartending for your heartiest satisfaction. Sweetening the sourness of life, and becoming the lifeline of a puzzling decoction. Intrepid voyages are a catch and a spell, but here and now lies the rarest hymn, the elixir that electrifies the spirit and kindles miraculous renewals.

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

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纪录片《防弹推销员  Bulletproof Salesman 》

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

纪录片《防弹推销员  Bulletproof Salesman 》

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纪录片《防弹推销员  Bulletproof Salesman 》

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

纪录片《防弹推销员  Bulletproof Salesman 》

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载

纪录片《防弹推销员 Bulletproof Salesman》[无字][BT][720P]资源下载


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